Title: OWASP CSRF Prevention Cheat Sheet
Details: Major contributor to https://github.com/OWASP/CheatSheetSeries/blob/master/cheatsheets/Cross-Site_Request_Forgery_Prevention_Cheat_Sheet.md
Title: Cracking Barcodes
Details: Presented a talk on this title at Null security meetup in Hyderabad, INDIA. Presentation can be found here
Title: A Complete Practical Guide to Ethical Hacking and Information Security
Details: Released a book on security basics during my final year of under-graduation. After the first version of the book was sold out, I never prioritized the work to release a second version.
Title: CIS Docker 1.12 and 1.13 Benchmarks
Details: I was the author of 1.12 benchmark and contributor to 1.13 benchmark. Those versions can be accessed here
Title: Breaking and Fixing Your Dockerized Environments
Details: Presented a talk on this title at OWASP Appsec USA'2016. Presentation can be accessed here and here
Title: How Secure are your Docker Images?
Details: Presented a talk on this title at Bsides SF USA'17. Presentation can be accessed here and
Title: How secure is your Docker Container pipeline?
Details: Presented a talk on this title at Container World USA'17. Presentation can be accessed here
Title: Docker Container Security
Details: Presented a poster on this title at RSA Conference, USA'17. Presentation can be accessed here
Title: Is Docker Secure?
Details: Presented a talk on this title at GreHack Conference, France'16. Presentation can be accessed here
Title: Misc
Details: I presented multiple trainings, talks at various universities and corporates across INDIA and U.S.A